Food Science and Technology Library

This research was to determine the effect of skim milk powder fillers on the physical, chemical, and microbiology of goat's milk kefir powder. The benefit obtained from this research is that it can increase the diversification of fermented milk products that have a long shelf life. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were P1: Addition of 0% (w/v) powder skim milk filler, P2: Addition of 2.5% (w/v) powder skim milk filler, P3: Addition of 5% (w/v) powder skim milk filler, P4: Addition of 7.5% (w/v) powder skim milk filler and P5: Addition of 10% (w/v) powder skim milk filler. The results showed that the addition of skim milk fillers has a significant effect on yield, solubility, total dissolved solids, total acid, pH value, water content, fat carbohydrate content, and microbiological quality which has no significant effect on viscosity, protein content and ash content. The conclusion that can be obtained is the addition of 2.5% skim milk filler is the best treatment.